A few people who stop by here from time to time were surprised an seeing me recently to learn that I'm still in Houston. "I can't tell from your blog where you are," one of them said.
Well, with all my bouncing back and forth, sometimes I can't tell, either -- from my life! With that, I'll toss out a few interesting link and run a bunch of errands that being at work until eleven caused me to postpone.
And then catch a flight.
A Mortgage on Every Back
At America's founding, politicians promised to leave us alone. Later, they began to promise "a chicken in every pot."
Today, we have a politician who keeps telling us how much he will expect out of us.
In fact, while he was on the campaign trail, his wife chimed in that, "Barack Obama will require you to work." If Michael J. Boskin's number-crunching is correct, you might as well append, "to pay off an unwanted mortgage" to the end of that sentence.
We can get a rough idea of who is likely to pay [these future tax hikes] by distributing this $6.5 trillion of future taxes according to the most recent distribution of income-tax burdens. We know the top 1% or 5% of income-taxpayers pay vastly disproportionate shares of taxes, and much larger shares than their shares of income. But it also turns out that Mr. Obama's massive additional debt implies a tax hike, if paid today, of well over $100,000 for people with incomes of $150,000, far below Mr. Obama's tax-hike cut-off of $250,000. (With interest, the tax hike would rise to more than $162,000 in 10 years, and over $20,000 a year if paid annually the following 10 years). In other words, a middle-aged two-career couple in New York or California could get a future tax bill as big as their mortgage.He forgot to mention that this "mortgage" comes without a house or a tax deduction.
Obama's Model Dependent Citizen
The following report from The Orlando Sentinel may have been dated April 1, but I have no trouble believing it:
A 911 dispatcher had to tell a caller how to unlock her car on Sunday.She went straight to the government rather than form a single conscious thought!
A woman called Kissimmee, Fla., police to say she was locked inside her car at a suburban drug store.
"My car will not start. I’m locked inside my car," the unidentified woman said.
"Nothing electrical works. And it’s getting very hot in here, and I'm not feeling well."
The dispatcher asked the woman if she was able to manually pull the lock up on the door.
The woman said she would try, and then, she said, "Yes, I got the door open."
Alternate title: "Why Democrats Run Buses on Election Day."
The Forgotten Bloc of the Welfare State
Brian Phillips, commenting on legacy-obsessed statist politicians and their pet constituencies says of the largest one:
I believe that most individuals want to be left alone by government. They do not want to be told what kind of car to drive, or what kind of beverages to consume, or how many Big Macs they can eat, or how much insulation to put in their attic. Most individuals simply want to be free to pursue their values. Yet they often find themselves sucked into some political cause that seems to be motivated by benevolence and good intentions, and in the process, advocating policies that limit individual freedom. If a politician truly wished to establish a legacy, it should be as an advocate of individual rights, including property rights.Amen, brother!
I look forward to reading his article, "Houston, We Have a (Zoning) Problem," which appears in the latest Objective Standard. Mine arrived in the mail yesterday.
Quoth the Sidereal Messenger: "The irony is delicious: Robber goes through life refusing to use his head, and now a lowly GM product has relieved him of it."
Too Much Nostalgia
Feeling nostalgic lately, I've been listening to Message in a Box from The Police lately during my commute. And now, this song is racing through my head.
-- CAV
It wouldn't suprise me if the woman in the car just panicked. So it might be somewhat understandable.
ReplyDeleteIt isn't like the lady who called 911 because the didn't get the right kind of McNuggets.
Over at Voices of Reason they have a link to YB's talk at the climate change conference. He kills, its great. That was one of his best.
ReplyDeleteSomeone calling 911 over a restaurant order.... Now THAT would be Obama's Model Citizen!
As for the locution, "just panicked," (1) that part of the post was plainly (I thought) somewhat tongue-in-cheek, and (2) still, THAT is all it too for these people to panic? That's so deeply-ingrained a level of second-handedness as to be remarkable and, indeed, newsworthy.
I had heard that that was well-received. Thanks for mentioning it!
Regarding the woman who called 911 because she thought she was locked inside her car and was told by the dispatcher to simply open the door...Once she opened the door there was a beeping sound. The dispatcher told her that sound only occurs if the keys are in the ignition.
ReplyDeleteNeed I say more?
Not really.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I bet the next thing the dispatcher had to say was something that ended along the lines of, "... and that's a hole in the ground."
Just spent a week in Houston, a very international city :-)
ReplyDeleteLucky guy! I've lived all over the place, and Houston has been my favorite place to live by a wide margin.