E Pluribus Hispaniis Mors

Friday, October 29, 2004

Out of many Spains, death.

Osama bin Laden shows a greater appreciation for the Electoral College than the Democrats he hopes will win. Note his outreach to the yellow (meaning blue) states: "Each state that does not mess with our security, has naturally guaranteed its own security." This is the very essence of terrorism: make your opponent abandon his best weapon -- his mind -- by trying to make him act out of fear by threats.

Rather than stampede to the voting booths to select Kerry, let's think about this for a moment. Here's something to chew on, especially for residents of the yellow states: New York didn't vote for Bush last time, yet it was a target for al-Qaida. Why should any of you be any safer voting for Kerry this time? He even admits as much: [T]he al-Qaida leader refrained from directly threatening new attacks, although he said "there are still reasons to repeat what happened." Just ask Spain whether they have been left alone after capitulating to the tender mercies of the Islamofascists.

I pass over the rest of bin Laden's remarks as irrelevant: the only important thing from any terrorist's lips is his stated desire to kill us. In self-defense, we are right to exterminate the sort of mealy-mouthed vermin who indiscriminately threaten us, then act as if such random threats can be "justified."

Remember. This is a man who kills without provocation. Actions speak louder than words. His promises are meaningless and his "outreach" to the individual states should tell individual Americans quite a bit about who they should choose for President. Give this reprobate what he deserves: vote for Bush, then hold Bush's feet to the fire after he wins.

-- CAV

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