Missing Post

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I posted a short entry earlier today that, while it made a good point, it did so in a way too easily misconstrued. I decided to err on the side of caution and delete it permanently. As far as I can tell, few people, if any, would have seen it at all. But if you were one of those few and were wondering, it's gone.

-- CAV


Curtis Gale Weeks said...

Something about those evil, evil anti-war protesters? Abu Ghraib & black hoods? It was a little knee-jerk, a rant made a little too quickly, perhaps.

Gus Van Horn said...

Yes on both counts.

First, I think the anti-war protestors shown here would do better to protest something really evil, like nearly anything I mention in my post about the
war dead here in America. I would say that, in the vein of picking one's battles wisely, the Anti-War Network has made a revealing choice. Is it evil to natter about frat-boy pranks (leaving aside questions about torture for the moment, including the real kind that went on there under Hussein) when much worse is being done daily? If it is, the protestors are indeed evil.

Second, my knee did jerk. I regard the way I pointed out this hypocrisy as inconsiderate of the victims of the atrocity I suggested they might protest instead. This is why I withdrew the post: out of consideration for victims of a real crime who, unlike the prisoners of Abu Ghraib, did not live to see their murderers brought to justice.

-- Gus

Gus Van Horn said...

And, on a lighter note, may I congratulate you on making the first negative comment on my blog that was civil and intelligent enough to remain in place!

-- Gus

Curtis Gale Weeks said...

Ah, the coveted "first negative critic" award!

I didn't know I was being terribly negative, though. I've been visiting your blog since I first encountered Raymund Eich's blog; although I don't always agree with you—on some subjects, I'm more to the left & down on the Political Compass—I've thought that you handle your arguments well. At least, I'm engaged. I'll admit that I was a bit mystified by the missing post. The gist was clear even if the argument was truncated.

Generally, I think the anti-war protesters are engaged in dead-end activity, so it seems a little silly but not dangerous.

Gus Van Horn said...

It's sometimes hard to tell on off-the-cuff comments. "Evil, evil!" seemed sarcastic to me. I've been to your blog (Which is off to a good start by the way.) only a few times and very recently at that, so didn't know your full context when I read that.(You may keep the "first negative critic award" if you wish.)

In any event, I'm always happy to have regular visitors, so thanks for following the blog.

-- Gus

Curtis Gale Weeks said...

Admittedly, "evil, evil" was sarcastic...a little too knee-jerk on my part.