Belated Mother's Day Wishes!

Monday, May 09, 2005

I belatedly wish a Happy Mother's Day to any mothers, including my own, out there in my audience!

Way back when I started this blog, I told my mother about it, thinking she'd look at it a couple of times and then get tired of my non-stop pontifications. Much to my surprise, she sent me an email after I decided to cat-blog. She also left a comment on another post once that somehow escaped my notice. I stumbled across that recently. It means a lot to me to know that she follows this thing.

Being a bookworm, I was doubtless a strange kid to have to bring up. I knew I was different from most other kids, but I always knew that my parents accepted me. I have accomplished quite a bit and led a very interesting life as a result. None of this would have been possible without the love and encouragement of my Mom and Dad early on.

So again, happy Mother's Day, and my apologies for being late! (Even though, for my Mom, the apology likely amounts to a running joke by now, coming from me -- not that I don't still feel terrible about being late!)

-- CAV

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Gus, You came by your bookwormish habits honestly. I've read many a book in my day, although my choice of subjects are at the other end of the spectrum from yours. Read a good murder mystery lately? On the other hand, my mother aka your grandmother was never seen reading a book. Can you imagine? NEVER reading a book! The most frequent comment she made concerning my reading habit was, "Turn on the light. You can't see in the dark!" Gus, you were a great kid, and your father and I were always proud of you. Love, Mom