Is Pat Buchanan a Nazi Apologist?

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Sarah Beth says, "I’m not sure that I’d go [as far as calling Pat Buchanan a 'Nazi apologist'], but I certainly don’t like the guy. " I am also not ready to call him a Nazi apologist. Like Sarah Beth, I dislike the alleged Nazi apologist. For all I know, he could in fact be a Nazi apologist, but I find so many of his views repugnant that I can barely stand to read anything he's written. In any event, both Vodkapundit and Instapunk have gassed -- I mean fisked -- a recent column in which the rumored Nazi apologist asks whether, "World War II [was] worth it, considering that Poland and all the other nations east of the Elbe were lost anyway?" They're both good reads, but Vodka Pundit asks his readers to "use the phrase 'Nazi Apologist' in there somewhere," for google bombing purposes.

Sure, Stephen, I'll see to it that the phrase "Nazi apologist" occurs at least once in my post.

On a more serious note, I highly recommend both fiskings, whether or not Pat Buchanan is a Nazi apologist.

-- CAV


5-13-05: Fixed typo.

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