A Fun Election

Monday, November 06, 2006

I am mentally drained from contemplating the upcoming election and have decided to basically take tonight off. After having seen this poll at Myrhaf, I decided that it would be fun to do the same thing here.

So, without further ado, I thought it might be amusing -- quite possibly at my own expense -- to see how my readers would answer the following question:

If not "Gus Van Horn", what should I have named my blog?
Sir Bitchalot
Ragnar Danneskjold
The Rev. [my real first name] Raps
USS Phoenix City
The New Intellectual
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Well, I can tell you which one my wife would select, and it falls somewhere between choice zero and choice two! And yes, I did consider all of these, including the first!

Apologies in advance for any pop-up/pop-under ads this thing spawns. I am pretty sure they don't happen unless you take the poll or view the results.


-- CAV


Anonymous said...

Yo, Gus, my choice was "USS Phoenix City"--the US Navy and ska, who could ask for anything more appropriate?

Gus Van Horn said...

Exactly. Plus, with my resume, you could argue for a reinvention theme.

I knew you'd get the allusion and perhaps you'd vote for it, but several have.

I'm guessing it's fellow bubbleheads....