Work-Life Balance Scheduling

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Still adjusting to life with two children, I have been thinking about time management a lot lately. I recently recommended a book on the subject for authors, Time to Write, by Kelly Stone. Around the time I was finishing that one off, I came across an installment of an advice column based on another promising book, this one geared towards working parents.

The Balance Myth: Rethinking Work-Life Success, by former Qwest CEO Teresa Taylor, offers, in the words of Anne Fisher:

... the kind of 'nitty-gritty details' you're looking for, starting with the premise that the whole idea of 'work-life balance' is an unrealistic goal that just makes people feel as if they're failing at everything.
Among the six tips Fisher gave as examples was the following:
Keep one calendar. Early in her career, Taylor kept separate calendars for work and home, which meant "I bifurcated my life, and as a consequence I felt bifurcated. This was not pleasant. Meeting and appointment overlaps occurred, and I dropped the ball and missed a few things." Noting personal and professional items on the same calendar prevents that.
That's one I needed to hear. I also like the advice against "multitasking". If anyone who passes by has read this book or has recommendations for other, similar books, I'd be interested in hearing from you.

-- CAV


2-26-14: Corrected last name of Teresa Taylor (from Stone). 

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