Where Are They?

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Walter Williams, having taken up the gauntlet thrown out by the left since the George Zimmerman verdict, has written another hard-hitting article about race. This time, he makes yet another couple of observations and raises a tough question:

Born in 1936, I've lived during some of our racially discriminatory history. I recall being chased out of Fishtown and Grays Ferry, two predominantly Irish Philadelphia neighborhoods, with my cousin in the 1940s and not stopping until we reached a predominantly black North Philly or South Philly neighborhood. Today that might be different. A black person seeking safety might run from a black neighborhood to a white neighborhood.
He goes on to note that, according to a 2008 government survey, "in instances of interracial crimes of violence, 83 percent of the time, a black person was the perpetrator and a white person was the victim." Considering this statistic and the deplorable state of education in today's desegregated schools, Williams throws down a gauntlet of his own:
[T]here're blacks still alive -- such as older members of the Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP and National Urban League -- who lived through the times of lynching, Jim Crow and open racism and who remain silent in the face of the current situation.
I have noticed the same thing, but Williams is in a far better position to raise this issue than I. I am glad to see that he has decided to call the left's bluff.

-- CAV

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