Pro-Liberty Roundup, Part III
Friday, November 20, 2020
This is the third and final part of a series with three installments.
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Image by Oliver Plattner, via Unsplash, license. |
"Lost in this focus on market share is how the large market share was obtained." -- Raymond Niles, in "Monopoly vs. Monopoly: Sloppy Definitions Lead to Harmful Policy" (American Institute for Economic Research)
"We need more testing and more actionable rapid turn-around tests." -- Amesh Adalja, in "Biden's Administration Should Immediately Prioritize These Five Pandemic Tasks" (LeapsMag)
[Trump's prescription drug 'International Pricing Index'] would ... import foreign price controls set by governments in their nationalized health care systems [and] the negative effects of weaker intellectual property systems in those foreign countries as well." -- Adam Mossoff, in "Why We Don't Want to Import Weak Intellectual Property Systems" (Daily Signal)
"True capitalism (i.e. without government interference such as bailouts, regulations, favors, and backroom deals) provides the freedom for businessmen to produce, but they have to do it honestly, otherwise they will not be successful." -- Charlotte Cushman, in "Capitalism as a Moral Instrument" (American Thinker)"
[W]hen it's time to communicate, your total focus needs to be on: what does the audience need to know to reach this conclusion from reality, given its context?" -- Don Watkins, in "How to Read (And Then to Write)" (Medium)
"By addressing these questions, I hope to revivify and indeed save the intellectual Right from the anti-intellectual, anti-American currents that presently run through it." -- C. Bradley Thompson, in "A Prolegomenon to Any Future Controversies: Responding to My Pajama-Boy Critics (Redneck Intellectual)
"On the other hand, if we see that technology can make things better, much better, but only when used wisely -- then the solution is obviously to get wiser about how we use it." -- Jason Crawford, in Is Technology Actually Making Things Better?" (Pairagraph)
-- CAV
Yo, Gus, a quick note to wish you happy Feast Day for St. Cecilia! As she is the patron saint for music and musicians, there's a fine tradition of poets writing poems for it for composers to set to music; indeed, you'd think more composers would have done so, but it was quite common among the Brits. This is possibly my favorite, Gerald Finzi's setting from 1947 of a poem by Edmund Blunden. (Finzi is one of the many many tonal, somewhat traditional, and enormously talented British composers in the mid-20th century who earned little fame outside Britain before the digital revolution; he wrote relatively little music, much of it art songs--he and his wife, an artist, collected thousands of volumes of poetry--but all of it very fine. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma in 1951 at age 50 and died five years later.)
And if you want a more famous, more baroque version, there's always Henry Purcell's great "Hail! Bright Cecilia" from 1692. This was one of many works he wrote for annual performances of music for St. Cecilia that the Musical Society of London started in 1683. (Which is far from the worst tradition imaginable.)
Thanks, Snedcat.
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