A Documentation Dichotomy Explained

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Because they're so confusing to most people, statistician John Cook takes a look at wire gauge as a source of departure for explaining how, for example, software interfaces should work:

Wire gauge is a perennial source of confusion: larger numbers denote smaller wires. The reason is that gauge numbers were assigned from the perspective of the manufacturing process. Thinner wires require more steps in production. This is a common error in user interface design and business more generally: describing things from your perspective rather than from the customer's perspective. [bold added]
Image by Sebastian Herrmann, via Unsplash, license.
Cook gives a few other examples of situations in which the way people in an occupation communicate is different from that of their customers. This shows that the problem, strange as it seems, is actually quite common.

Reflecting on his point, a longstanding frustration of mine suddenly made sense. As a computer hobbyist/amateur programmer/power user, I am frequently frustrated by software documentation: It seems always to be geared for either the computer illiterate -- using the "mouse," click with the right-hand button on the rectangle labeled "Start" at the bottom left of your screen -- or someone with a PhD in computer science who hacks away at his own operating system every weekend just for the hell of it. So it's either too obvious to be useful -- or too hard to access for the specific weird problem I have.

This post helped me realize why that's the case and likely to stay that way.

Grandma is never going to have a script not work because she used the wrong kind of quotes around some variable or other, and Linus Torvalds is probably already grinding his teeth from across the country that I'm even bothering with a shell script for what I'm doing.

The problem for people like me is connecting with people who know the nitty-gritty, but who also understand this communications problem at least on a gut level. That is, I have to find experts who are good at communicating across a context gap.

I am happy to say that, without fully realizing it, I solved this problem years ago, thanks in large part to the legions of open source software developers and enthusiasts around the world. It is usually the case that someone else has asked and had answered a problem similar enough to my own that I can search for and find the answer.

And, on the handful of occasions I have come up empty, there are places to throw the question out there and get an answer. Back in grad school, I had a question like that and got an answer from someone in Iceland within an hour. More recently, I asked nicely for (and got!) a feature added to software I use that I was pretty sure would be easy to add, but had no idea how to do it myself, because it was in a language I don't know.

Why do I post about a problem I have already licked? In part because I didn't realize I'd solved it already and in part because Cook's post helped me realize that, in many cases, the kind of documentation I'd always dreamed about is niche-market at best -- which is why there aren't coherent compendia of it anywhere. But it often does exist in bits and pieces, and it is easy enough to make more of it exist in the manner I just described. So there's satisfaction at realizing the solution I wanted simply didn't appear in the form I had imagined it would. Also, at least in my case, knowing there are good reasons for a state of affairs can often make that state of affairs much less annoying. (And that goes for wire gauges, too!)

All this isn't to say There's no such thing as mid-level documentation. For common uses, there most certainly is, although an outsider might have difficulty finding it for want of knowing where to look.

-- CAV


Dinwar said...

I have a similar issue with origami. I'm trying to go from "can reliably make a frog" to learning more advanced folds, including designing on my own. Unfortunately resources are frustratingly hard to find to bridge that gap. Origami books and websites are either simple, classic designs (the same 5 boxes over and over) or show off crease patterns and final models of highly intricate models, with nothing in between, or go into a lot of technical detail about circle packing, rivers, edge theory, and other stuff that the most advanced folders on Earth are doing. The attitude has seemed to be that those of us in the middle are on our own.

In this case, I think it's partially an issue of what the writers are trying to do. Origami was, until the 1960s/70s, extremely bound up in tradition. The folds done were the ones that were always done. And it's still important to learn those traditional folds. Resources on more advanced folds are communicating between masters of the craft--they aren't intended to communicate information to those of us in that transitional phase. And since these are artists and engineers (an odd combination!), there is, in addition to the issues in the article above, a certain attitude of needing to earn one's place at the table. WE had to struggle through it, so YOU can figure it out on your own, and once you do we can talk.

I finally found a book last week that goes into detail on this transition. It's been really, really useful to see the author build from simple to more complex. It's let me understand WHY instructions have you doing certain things, how these things all fit together to make a square paper into a six-legged bug or a Samurai with his sword or a clock.

Gus Van Horn said...


It's good to hear that you found the book you needed, and it sounds like it should be a top-seller within that hobby. You can't be the only one who needed something like that!
