Remodeling Feedback Wanted

Sunday, March 27, 2005

I spent the greater part of the weekend refreshing my decade-old (but very rusty) knowledge of HTML as well as learning a little bit about cascading style sheets (CSS) in an effort to get the blog into a cleaner-looking three-column format. It looks great on Mozilla, but terrible on Konqueror. I use Linux exclusively at home, so I will be unable to check it out on the Windows platform until tomorrow. I will be unable to look it over on a MacIntosh any time soon.

About half of my regular visitors use Windows and just under a fifth use Macs. Please let me know via email whether (1) the three columns line up as they should (or the middle one drops down as it does for the Konqueror browser) or (2) any other problems crop up. Use multiple browsers if you really have time to burn.

Thanks. If the template is troublesome for too many people tomorrow, I will revert to an earlier template until I have the time to try this again.

-- CAV


3-28-05: (1) Big hat tip to the General for his input. Looks like the blog loads properly on IE 6 and Konqueror now! And now that the page isn't a complete disaster, Curtis gets a tip o' the hat as well for helping me get up to speed on CSS in the first place. (Didn't want to make anyone look bad by tippin' hats and droppin' names too quickly....) Also, I recommend this page as a good introduction to CSS. It cuts through the cognitive clutter inherent in the markups so the reader can understand what's really going on. The concept behind CSS is actually quite easy to grasp.

Any remaining issues are either my fault or Bill Gates's fault -- for turning out non-standard-compliant browsers in the first place and then not fixing them.

(2) Hat tip to reader Adrian Hester for checking on Mac viewability. I can tweak style a little now, and then get back to writing!


Curtis Gale Weeks said...
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Curtis Gale Weeks said...

(I hope this Blogger commenting works...Blogger's been doing crazy things lately, and this comment page looks like a disaster!)

Gus, I'm glad to see that your blog's looking fine. I've noticed a few variations on the layout which are different from my recent 3 column layout at Klados. Mine looks fine for Firefox and IE 6, but I've not checked out other browsers. I think today I'll download Safari and some others, just to see...

I think that anyone who prefers IE 6 to Firefox is just wacked. Firefox renders so much better; IE 6 is always stumbling, non-compliant, out-dated, etc. etc. etc.

Gus Van Horn said...

You said, "Blogger's been doing crazy things lately, and this comment page looks like a disaster!"

I was going to say, "You can say that again," but according to my email, Blogger tried to do that for you.

-- Gus

Curtis Gale Weeks said...

Hmmm. I haven't received an email from Blogger about anything.

More and more lately, and especially today, I keep getting "Waiting for" in my status bar whenever I try to edit the template, post comments, and anything else which goes through the Blogger sieve.