Reason Roundup and New Link

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Reason Roundup

Be sure to stop by this week's Reason Roundup at the Charlotte Capitalist. Topics run the gamut from personal style to a ban on the Internet sale of cigarettes and from Terri Schiavo to The Purpose-Driven Life.

New Link

Felipe Sediles and I have exchanged links. I first learned of his blog, d'Anconia Online, through an installment of the Reason Roundup at the Charlotte Capitalist and have been following it since. I especially like today's entry on Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a member of the Dutch parliament who has been in hiding due to death threats from Islamofascists.

As we watch Hillary Clinton's dishonest, conniving and power-lusting run for the U.S. presidency, across the pond, in the Netherlands, there is a lone woman waging a heroic battle against her country's forces of multiculturalism and its immigrant Moslem dogs. Because of her open contempt for the violence against Moslem women and the Koranic versus that justify it, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, member of the Dutch Parliament since January 2003, writer and actress of Theo van Gogh's famed 11-minute film Submission, lives in hiding and on constant guard for her life.

Visit his blog to learn more about this amazing woman.

To Felipe's readers, welcome! To my readers, be sure to stop by d'Anconia Online!

-- CAV

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