Dionne Shows His Hand

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

E. J. Dionne, a reactionary Democrat, writes a column today against even the feeble, piecemeal Social Security reform being timidly offered by the Bush administration. In the piece, he uses a poker analogy to tell the Dems that they need to quit letting Bush (a surrogate for "reality" in this case) set the terms of the debate.

But in doing so, he apparently gets carried away with his own analogy and takes a seat at the table himself! Even worse, he lets down his guard and tips his own hand.

Some press reports have suggested that Bush's willingness to cut Social Security benefits for the wealthy turned him into some latter-day Karl Marx, or at least Ted Kennedy.

This is nonsense.
Damn the bad luck! Too bad it's not even as "bad" as Dionne thinks! Bush is actually too close to Kennedy for my comfort. But in any case, Marx?!?! Dionne has just admitted what Democrats have been loathe to acknowledge for decades: their fundamental agreement with Communism. Thanks, E.J.!

Is this man playing with a full deck? Perhaps he should talk to Christopher Hitchens about what a "latter-day Karl Marx" is really like and then rethink his column -- and a few other things. Heh.

-- CAV

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