
Sunday, May 01, 2005

Reason Roundup

Be sure to stop by the Charlotte Capitalist for this week's Reason Roundup.

"What happened to Elian?" "What's it called when I take your stuff by force?" "What is the difference between St. Aquinas and St. Augustine?" "What's it all about, Felipe?" "What to do about unpleasant behavior?"

"What's else is there?" Read'em and enjoy.
The Undercurrent

The online version of this month's edition of The Undercurrent is up! It looks really good, and there's an article co-authored by The General (of Benjo Blog) and Ray Girn.

Under Water

I just (finally?) noticed that Bothenook (a geezer's corner) has adopted a suggestion of mine for his list of submariner blogs. He was the first one of the bunch to find and link to my blog and once made an excellent point: that submariners write some damned good blogs. On that score, congratulations are in order for Bubblehead, for his submarine-centric blog, The Stupid Shall Be Punished, making it into the MilBlogs ring. (And the pompous title to that post made me laugh out loud.) Willy Shake (of Unconsidered Trifles) got noticed this week by the Corner (at National Review) and by Hugh Hewitt. The latter was thanks to Chap (Chapomatic), who then announced it on his own blog along with a nice helping of Navy smack: "Low Traffic Schlub Gets Hits." If I recall correctly, Willy Shake has weathered the full brunt of a Malkalanche in his time as well.

If you haven't been to any of these blogs yet, you're missing out.

Shenanigans in Mexico?

Szechuan Ostrich has been on sabbatical to study whether turnips might make human blood donations a thing of the past. Today, she asked me for funds for a junket to Mexico. Apparently, she encountered the following headline on the Drudge Report: "Fox Refuses to Answer ABC Questions for Damning 'Idol' Expose." This presents me with a hellish dilemma. On the one hand, I haven't the energy to convince her that the trip would be a waste of time -- because it's not that Fox. On the other, I haven't the money to do the easy thing: Send her in hopes that she gets kidnapped.

Movie Reviews

Last week, three blogs I follow reviewed movies I haven't seen.

Benjo BlogSpanglish Thumbs Down
Captain's QuartersThe Hitchiker's Guide to the GalaxyThumbs Up
Unconsidered TriflesThe InterpreterThumbs Down

-- CAV


5-2-05: (1) Corrected a factual error. (2) Added movie reviews.
5-4-05: Fixed table spacing problem. HT: Curtis.

1 comment:

Curtis Gale Weeks said...

Gus, I only just saw this entry.

If you have the automated line breaks set in your Blogger settings, Blogger will interpret all line breaks as, well, breaks and insert the HTML for linebreaks into your posts. Look at your code for tables: even within that code, you are breaking after some table-specific HTML, for instance to separate rows and columns; and Blogger for some odd reason inserts the lines it interprets there before the table. The way to correct for this is as follows: put all the code and data for the tables on one line. Take out the linebreaks and make the code for the tables run together. The table will still be formed because the HTML for the table is still interpreted, but Blogger won't insert linebreaks because there will be no actual break within the code.

I'm writing this on the fly, so I hope I've been clear!