Around the Web on 9-28-05

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

We're just about fully back in business after our evacuation, but there are still a few things left to take care of. Last night, our cleaning of the Augean refrigerator ate up much of the evening and prevented me from posting. (I forgot to empty it before we left. Even had I forgotten to shut off our power, our side of the street had a long enough power outage to have ruined everything anyway.) In case I find myself strapped for time again, I'll post this quick linkfest.

Touching up Michelangelo?

Cox and Forkum do a good send-up of the "touching up" of Creationism by the Intelligent Design crowd.

Essay on Ayn Rand's Ideas

Gideon Reich points out an excellent overview of Ayn Rand and Objectivism by Allan Gotthelf and Gregory Salmieri.

So am I

America's domestic enemies in the war are known collectively as "anti-war", but what of her friends?

Bubblehead points out a new term for those of us who favor an American victory in her current war: pro-victory. He also links to a blog whose author has created an "I am pro-victory" sidebar button.

Ethan Allen Online

Blair at Secular Foxhole notes that Ethan Allen's Reason: The Only Oracle of Man is now online! It is embarrassing to admit this, but: I haven't read this yet! I plan to fill that gap in my education very soon.

Photo Essay on NYC

Philip B. Pape (If you like his blog, does that make you a Pape-ist?) has a nice photo essay on New York City. I've always been partial to the Chrysler Building, myself.

Chinese Censorship

There is a short post at Thrutch on the recent ramping-up of Chinese censorship. The comments also provide some important links on this subject.

Government "Charity"

The Resident Egoist reminds us that, once upon a time, politicians not only weren't claiming that all the fat had already been trimmed from our budget, but they also stood up against the government functioning as a massive relief agency. (And I'd incorrectly remembered that quote as having come from Calvin Coolidge.)

Kermit Makes a Cameo

Bothenook photo-blogs his recent trip to DC. For those of us who have been there, but who have not seen the Korean War Memorial, he has a picture of that, too.

Might Ads Come to Gus Van Horn?

I remain undecided, but am contemplating a blog makeover some time in the near future. In the meantime, Martin Lindeskog posts about some new advertising he's planning on.


Don Watkins has a good posting on sex and Objectivism over at Noodle Food. In my short time as an Objectivist blogger, I have been positively astounded to see some of the errant positions (Heh! He said, "positions".) about sex and romantic love taken by some students of Objectivism.

Beavis and Butthead "Do" Logic

In the course of googling Beavis and Butthead for the above parenthetical joke, I found a hilarious page on examples of logical fallacies found in the dialogue of that television series.

Our Counterbalance to China

Vigilis notes that we have recently completed the most advanced joint naval exercise yet with our Asian ally, India.

This Kept Slipping My Mind

I meant to mention this long ago.

The Gaijin Biker now has a weekly caption contest over at his blog, Riding Sun. I'm drawing a blank on this week's photo, but maybe one of my readers can pull the fat out of the fire....

-- CAV


Today: (1) Added Riding Sun caption contest. (2) Fixed some bad wording and typos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for spreading the word.