Hugo Chavez Speaks the Truth!

Monday, December 05, 2005

A Quick Comment on Blogger....

Hmmm. This'll be a short posting night for me. First of all, I'm a little burned out from yesterday's rather long session. Second, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot's the matter with Blogspot? I can't see my blog and haven't been able to for several hours! It's not just me. Sitemeter flatlines, and other Blogspot blogs are out of commission, too. (And the official status blog is AWOL as of the first draft.)

Anyway, I somehow found out by accident that it is still possible to enter the post editor, so here I am. I'll write a quick one, save it elsewhere just in case, and attempt to publish.

Venezuelan Electoral Follies

The Miami Herald carries an interesting story about an "election" that was held Sunday in Venezuela. Although president (and Don Quixote fan) Hugo "El Loco" Chavez called his country's electoral system "the most solid in South America", the proceedings did not go quite according to plan. Among other things, they were preceded by several small explosions in the capital and a pipeline explosion in a western state.

But according to the story, "Chavez said the situation in the country was calm and that such acts had no effect on the voting process."

Judging by these photos (via The Devil's Excrement) of a massive voter boycott in progress, I'd have to concede that Chavez is correct that "the situation" is "calm" and that the explosions probably didn't affect the "voting process", such as it was.

Read more at the link above.

-- CAV

PS: Note the striking similarity between this Venezuelan election and a recent Cindy Sheehan book signing.

It's amusing and instructive that those on the left who profess to be on the lookout for the downtrodden masses seem unable to rally the support of said masses. Cindy Sheehan's status as an anti-war icon depends on media puffjobbery, and Chavez's rule depends on the continued acquiescence of the men with the guns. Might El Loco's days be numbered if the men with the guns realize how unpopular he really is?


Today: (1) Go figure. Blogspot came back almost immediately after I published this! So I added a relevant link. (2) Added Cindy Sheehan picture as PS.


Anonymous said...

HOLY C#AP!!! Cindy Sheehan wrote a book!! Ah, the horror of Katrina.

And I have to start reading the news.

Gus Van Horn said...


If you'd like a sample of her prose, go here. And if that doesn't scare you off, the book is here.


Alex Nunez said...

LOL on the Venezuela/Cindy photo comparison, Gus! made my day.

Vigilis said...

Let me get this right; Hugo held the election in Texas, too? Neat comparison, Gus; you should win an award for that one!

Gus Van Horn said...

Glad you liked it, guys! It dawned on me just after I posted it.

As for Texas, that took me a second, but now that you remind me, Crawford isn't too far from where I live! It's just to the west of Waco.
