Pfabulously Pfunny Pfriday

Friday, May 19, 2006

Everyone's a comedian, it seems today. Here's what made me laugh....

Churchill's Chickens

Of course, Cox and Forkum are always comedians, but this one, on Ward "Cherokee" Churchill, made me laugh out loud, and I'd somehow missed it the first time they posted it.


No! That wouldn't be, "What weapons of mass destruction?" the rallying cry Bush handed to the anti-War left!

It's "What would Mohammed do?"

Issac Schroedinger thinks that he'd, "make this haram." "This haram", of course, being the official cheerleading squad of the blog, Gus Van Horn.

And if that remark seems cryptic, click on the link above, and then go here.

Mike's Eyes Roll

Mike asks the following question. "[I]sn't almost 6 years into Bush's two term presidency a little late to start acting like Republicans?"

Toyota Everyday

Craig Ceely quotes the Richards Lederer and Dowis on a once-ubiquitous ad campaign by Toyota:

The Toyota people goofed. Every day styled as two words, is an adverb that means just what it says, as in "Every day in every way we get better and better." Everyday, squished together as one word, is an adjective meaning "commonplace, ordinary," as in, "an everyday occurrence." Did the Toyota hucksters really want to say that their products are commonplace and ordinary? We don't think so.
Those ads drove me nuts. And the grammatical error escaped my notice because, I guess, the annoying song clip had me scrambling for the mute button every time. [Now that I think back on it more, I realize that the grammatical error did not escape my notice. It just made the ads all the more annoying. I was too focused on how such a stupid slip could get by so many people that I missed the comedic possibilities raised by the meaning of "everyday".]

Too bad. I would could have taken some solace in seeing Toyota insulting their own product at the end....

-- CAV


Added the Ceely link and writeup. And updated it.
5-20-06: Fixed typos.

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