Quick! Bury them all!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Some things deserve nothing but ridicule....

This has got to be the most absurdly "politically correct" bit of Moslem brown-nosing I've seen from The Houston Chronicle yet!

Fourteen years ago, Pakistani tractor dealer Allah Noor Davi saw a lone, white-bearded man burying tattered Qurans at a graveyard in a gesture of piety toward Islam's holy book.

That inspired Davi to start a labor of religious love: to dig a labyrinth of tunnels that now stretches more than a mile into the barren Chiltan Mountains in southwestern Pakistan. There, Qurans are laid to rest, along with sack after sack of holy script -- much of it Quranic verses salvaged from newspapers and magazines. [bold added]
Allah Noor Davi??! The same people who murder, maim, and riot when someone dares to draw the image of a certain dead human being (and a pederast to boot) tolerate the fact that another human being has been named "God"? Well, if Mohammed can be my blog's official mascot, "Allah" can be its author's official nickname, then.

If only what is written in the Koran could inspire its followers to accord fellow human beings half as much reverence! On top of that, our old pal, Allah, has not had his death warrant written by some busybody imam in Arabia for deviating from that very book:
Davi, 40, says he got the idea when he realized there was nowhere suitable to dispose of damaged Qurans. Islam mandates two options, he said: "One is burying Quranic pages in graveyards and the second is putting them into rivers or the sea.

"A new idea came into my mind: to dig tunnels." [bold added]
A ... gasp! ... new idea ?!?! Allah forbid! Oh. Wait. That was Allah's idea! Chortle!

But seriously. Anyone who has seen the "sewer inspector" segment of Dirty Jobs will take one look at the picture of that Koranic Tunnel and note its rather sewer-like dimensions. Weren't there recently a bunch of riots over allegations that the United States military had been burying Korans in tunnels? Or were they "putting them into ... the sea" via the toilet? At any rate, the mullahs haven't caught on yet. Let's just hope those Newsweek guys don't see much of the tube and assume that Allah has access to the only flush toilet in Quetta!
Jabal Noor-ul-Quran, or Mountain of Quranic Light, near the city of Quetta, is unique in Pakistan. It's a sacred storehouse, with carpeted walkways lined by sacks.


The labyrinth consists of 56 interlinked tunnels, 7 feet high and 8 feet wide, stretching for 5,880 feet. Sacks of sacred text are piled inside, often with wishes written in Urdu by visitors.


"Whoever denies the jihad is an infidel," says one. [bold added]
Reporter Matthew Pennington is clearly either a Moslem or a "useful infidel" to call a sewer -- er, tunnel -- lined with Korans and death threats a "sacred storehouse". Or perhaps he is swayed by the implicit divine sanction he saves for last.... (From the last link, we also learn that people are actually paid "to stop people from walking on the arid hills above the tunnels".)
Since digging started in 1992, Davi says, there has never been an accident, even when a magnitude-7.3 earthquake struck in 1997, its epicenter just 70 miles away from here, killing at least 70 people.
Well, then! It's clearly Allah's will that we bury Korans.

Color me convinced. In fact, I don't think Allah -- Allah Davi -- is working fast enough! Quick! Bury them all!

-- CAV

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