Quick Roundup 99

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


One's initial notice by the Blogfather himself is a blogging rite of passage. The deluge of referrals from instapundit.com began some time this morning when he added a blog post of mine on Houston's post-Katrina crime problems as an update to a post of his on the same subject.

I thank Glenn Reynolds for the link and for the traffic, and I invite his readers to take some time looking around, especially at "Some Favorite Posts", linked at the upper right of this page.

Good One

I, master procrastinator that I am, found this bumper sticker particularly amusing when I saw it on the road the other day.

Bomb Detection

Cox and Forkum nail it on the subject of Madman Mahmood's visit and prime-time United Nations lecture yesterday.

Also, in my haste to compile a recent roundup post, I neglected to include their excellent roundup on the Byzantine Riots.

Objectivist Blogger Roundup

The Inspector has a nice roundup of the responses of Objectivist bloggers to the terrorist atrocities of September 11, 2001 over at The Intellectual Watchman. TIA Daily readers will note that he links to what looks like republication of at least part of Robert Tracinski's "lessons learned" material at RealClear Politics.

-- CAV

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