Why He Went Green

Monday, September 04, 2006

California Governor Arnold Schwartzenegger recently explained why he chose to help cripple California's economy with a new package of onerous emissions regulations. Since I recently commented on this, I thought it would be useful to compare notes with the Governator.

"I don't think one should look at greenhouse gas emissions or global warming as a political issue," Schwarzenegger told ABC News. "So, if that policy of fighting global warming is against our, the Bush Administration, then so be it."
In just one sentence, his first here, Schwartzenegger has shown himself to be completely unworthy of further support as a political figure. Why? Because this silly rising up above "politics" garbage is identical to what I have heard from every other collectivist wolf in "middle-of-the-road" clothing.

Here is what I mean. He not only does exactly as I said when I observed that "[T]he Governator seems convinced that (1) global warming is man-induced and (2) it is the government's job to stop it...." He also is evading the nature of what he just did and demanding that we regard it as virtuous. Schwartzenegger, for those of you in Rio Linda, has just passed a law and, as the chief executive in California, pledged to use government force to enforce it. Nothing could be more "political" than to inject government force into the daily lives of one's citizens.

The unquestioned assumption that some crisis alleged by the left impends (and must be "solved" in the way it suggests) is bad enough, but to preemptively damn dissent as politically-motivated besides is despicable.

But as the article goes on, it is also apparent that, if Schwartenegger is unworthy of the support of those who value their freedom, he is also just the man California richly deserves.
In the past year, Schwartzenegger's approval rating jumped from 36 to 49 percent. After taking a beating for governing as an anti-union, right-leaning Republican, he's gained approval by cutting deals with the Democratic legislature on the minimum wage, prescription drugs and now global warming.

"The message was loud and clear: Don't come to us about every problem. Go and work with the legislators," he said of the turnaround. "So, this year I said, 'Okay, I'm going to change it a little bit: I'm going to work with the legislators,' meaning with the Republicans and the Democrats."
Yep. I nailed that one, too:
All California seems to have done is reject the pain (i.e., the consequences of socialism), but not its cause (i.e., the notion that the government should run the economy). So they have kicked out Gray Davis and are seeking to continue his policies under Arnold Schwartzenegger, who apparently doesn't understand what is wrong with socialism, either.
It's a good thing that Schwartzenegger can't become President without the help of a constitutional amendment. But that's luck, and luck has a way of running out, and thus of being a poor substitute for a rational and freedom-loving body politic.

-- CAV

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