The Return of Myrhaf

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

After a long absence from blogging, Myrhaf, whose blog became one of my favorites in a very short amount of time, has returned to blogging.

I stopped blogging because it was taking over my creative life. When events happened in the news, I found myself wanting to sound off, but I resisted because I did not want to commit to blogging again. I even wrote a post during the Israel-Hezbollah war and posted it, then I deleted it. (I think I will repost it in a few days. It's old news now, but the principles I discuss are timeless.)

I will try blogging again, but I'm giving myself permission to ignore this blog for long stretches at a time. I need to do that so that my subconscious mind does not have a standing order to think of good blog posts every day. We'll see how it works out.
How often to blog is, in my opinion, one for the most vexing problems of this activity, and one I have been mulling over quite a bit lately myself. It looks like Myrhaf has found the answer that best suits his situation. I hope he is right, and not just because I want to see him posting for quite some time.

Welcome back, Myrhaf!

-- CAV


Myrhaf said...

Thanks, Gus. You blog with energy. I don't think I could keep up your pace for long.

Gus Van Horn said...

Heck. I may not be able to for much longer. Change is in the air for me and may cause me to have to post with less frequency. We'll see, as you say.