Around the Web on 12-7-06

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The shower wakes me.
My mind races: All haiku!
Can I make it work?


A stand for child porn --
By the Danes' absent colleagues?
Why? Both please Allah.


Uncovered -- dishes --
Have surrounded the "cat-house"!
Round up the varmints!


Three haiku on porn?
These should have been limericks!
Make love, not jihad.


Shotgun! Humph. He's first.
Power and concealment tied.
Will Nick pick us off?


Sword sheathed, wielding pen --
Yet still afraid? What's afoot?
Submariners' wives!


Condi's not Vesper,
And Bush isn't Bond. Roulette?
George, war is no game.


"I think most ... insane."
Leftist mobs show teen-ish angst.
And make him look good.


They banned Sudafed.
And now, trans fats. Next, syrup?
Freedom dies piecemeal.


Good luck to my friend!
(Why must this be left to chance?)
Good luck, U. S. A.


Believe it or not!
Regulation of dating!
Martin, second thoughts?


The elephant lost.
They don't forget. Can they read?
Voters, gypped, recalled.


Three things are certain:
Death, taxes, and lost data.
Guess which has occurred.

-- CAV


Anonymous said...

The furry purrballs
Celebrated in haiku
Feel left out by this.

Gus Van Horn said...

I plead distraction --
My pal Jerome understands --
Uncovered dishes!

Anonymous said...

Navy man no less
On the date of infamy
Harboring a pearl

Gus Van Horn said...

Peace celebrated,
Via haiku? Mem'ry lapse?
Plausibly, either.

Anonymous said...

Three haiku on porn?
These should have been limericks!
Make love, not jihad.

My friends in high school
Made countless porn-filled haiku;
I recall just one:

Plummeting downward,
The product of primal play
Wasted in the dust.

Anonymous said...

Rather than haiku
Were't sestinas or sonnets,
Crickets 'mid silence.

Bubblehead said...

A weblog posting
Sublime above all others
Earns Bravo Zulu

Gus Van Horn said...

Fearless Leader speaks!
He comes bearing words of praise.
Not like Ensign days!