Leonard Peikoff's Q&A

Friday, January 07, 2011

If you haven't stopped by Leonard Peikoff's Q&A for some time, you might be pleasantly surprised by the much-improved format of the site. I think the webmaster made that change some time ago, but I'll mention it now anyway, if only to belatedly voice my appreciation.

I'm much more the reader than the listener, and generally download podcasts that interest me for later listening at times that I'm not actually on the Internet (and not in the mood to listen to music). So I typically check the site every week or so, download any new full episodes, and listen to a batch at some indeterminate future date.

Each episode typically features multiple questions. While it is always fun to see what Peikoff will address on any given day, I often learn about something I'd never thought of before, or find myself wishing I had a ready way to be able to go back to a given topic at some time in the future. I wished at the outset that there were an index to the topics covered, and a new feature of the site -- individual questions -- helps quite a bit in that regard, with the aid of a search engine.

The new format also provides a benefit to anyone who might be strapped for time, or have a specific question that might have been covered already, or wants to enjoy the give-and-take, but doesn't have fifteen minutes or more to spare at a given stray moment. Without further ado, I'll list a few individual questions I've particularly enjoyed as a result of being able to search or browse through the subject matter. I present them in no particular order.

No matter whether a question is something I haven't considered before, or I have, but was curious about Peikoff's take on it, I invariably enjoy hearing his answer. Enjoy these. I certainly have.

-- CAV


Anonymous said...

I enjoy them as well. Recently I enjoyed his comment about our ability to know history objectively (it is currently the highest rated on his website, for those interested).

Gus Van Horn said...

Anon, Thanks for pointing that one out. Had just enough time to listen to it, too. It is noteworthy, too, that even differing historical accounts for which there is not enough evidence known to determine which is correct are at least tied to reality, unlike myths.

The last time I checked, Number Two was Number One, and "Why are girls attracted to bad boys?" is a classic.

Realist Theorist said...

FYI: Someone also started a summary of each podcast, which can easily be searched.

This was done before the site changes made it much easier to search, but the summaries are still being kept up to date.

Gus Van Horn said...

Thanks for the heads-up!