Happy Independence Day

Monday, July 04, 2016

Just a short note today, as I'd intended to excuse myself from posting this morning...

I have plans to take my kids to the park, then settle in at home for a quiet family celebration today. I'll grill burgers while the kids play with a sprinkler and a water table. My wife and I will probably enjoy margaritas. In any event, I won't be putting on a hair shirt (follow link tomorrow) to "celebrate" the way a prominent moral pygmy thinks feels we should.

But I'll stop right there. Part of why I sometimes excuse myself from posting on this glorious anniversary is to spare myself for a short time from being concerned with those who do not deserve the freedom they are so busy eroding. Now, in the name of mental and spiritual hygiene, and enjoying life, I take your leave, and hope you enjoy following my example.

Happy holiday!

-- CAV


Snedcat said...

Happy Fourth! We celebrated with some beer and we watched this.

Gus Van Horn said...

Thanks! We got rain, but not before a really good trip to the park.

We had margaritas and I fried the burgers. Mrs. Van Horn had had late nights most of last week, so we were thrilled to have a relaxing few days together.