Will Trump Downsize the Square Foot Next?
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
At RealClear Markets, editor John Tamny considers the president-elect's repeated assertions that the dollar is "too strong," in light of history recent-enough for someone Donald Trump's age to remember, economic principles, and analogous cases. His last paragraph serves as an apt summary:
While the president-elect talks a good game about the importance of economic growth, talking down the dollar measure amounts to fakery. To believe it works is as silly as a real estate developer believing he can command more for his properties by devaluing the square foot. This is not the stuff of a serious country. [bold added]This should also serve as a wake-up call for anyone who thinks Trump's business acumen or cabinet picks reveal him to be the antidote we need to decades of central "planning" and intrusive government.
-- CAV
Yo, Gus, you quote: "To believe it works is as silly as a real estate developer believing he can command more for his properties by devaluing the square foot."
Obvious retort: Devaluation of the square foot will just be a by-product of his devaluing the inch in an effort to make his hands seem bigger.
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