Friday Hodgepodge

Friday, January 26, 2018

Notable Commentary

"[W]e should bury trash, bit by bit, not ourselves." -- Gus Van Horn, in "It's Time to Get Serious About Recycling, Via Market Forces" at RealClear Markets.

"I support the right of everyone to eat meat (or not) according to their individual personal, medical, and economic circumstances." -- Paul Hsieh, in "In the War on Meat, Count Me in the Resistance" at Forbes.

"By focusing on opposing the PRC, the United States has inadvertently become a second-handed actor, driven not by its own values and interests, but by those to which it is reacting." -- Scott McDonald, in "Forthcoming Asia Strategy Should Avoid Second-Handed Pitfalls" at The National Interest.

"A rational immigration policy could exclude individuals who are criminals, dangerously contagious or terrorists; but to exclude individuals because they are members of a group is a form of collectivism as anti-American as (but not as anti-conceptual as) racism." -- Bob Stubblefield, in "Letter: American Should Not Exclude Anyone" at The Aiken Standard.

From the Blogs

Correction: The quote below turns out to have been endorsed by Sanders, rather than being his words.

"Manhattan Contrarian" Francis Menton recently reviewed economic news from Venezuela -- "Maybe you thought Venezuela had hit rock bottom a year ago..." -- ahead of a review of "useful idiots" whose quotes in support of that regime he'd rounded up a year ago. Among them, Bernie Sanders:

"Feeling the Bern" in Venezuela. (Image via Wikipedia)
These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger. Who's the banana republic now?
Read the whole thing.

-- CAV


Today: Added missing attribution link to image. 
4-30-19: Added correction to last section. More on that here.  

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