Why Wait for a Promotion?

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A few months ago, I ran into a list by business writer Suzanne Lucas of ways to demonstrate leadership for employees who are not yet in leadership positions.

I think all of this is good advice, and is useful far beyond the question she is taking up. As an example, I'll quote her third item:

Image by Rob Walsh, via Unsplash, license.
Don't be a doormat. Leaders stand up for themselves, politely. Jerks stand up for themselves rudely. If somebody interrupts you in a meeting, simply say, "I'm sorry, can I finish?" If your slimy co-worker tries to dump her work on you, say, "That won't be possible." Does this mean you never do a favor? Absolutely not. You do do favors, but you do so because you are nice or because it benefits you and the company, not because you can't say no. [link removed, bold in original]
I'm not a doormat now, but I was something of one decades ago, and I wish I could have given my former self that advice.

Generally, the advice boils down to the areas of communication, self-assertiveness, teamwork, and big-picture thinking.

But if I had to sum things up, I'd say that whether you're a leader is largely in your own hands. If you're waiting to be recognized as such, you're doing it wrong.

-- CAV

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