Pushing Back Against a State Religion
Thursday, April 22, 2021
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Image by the blowup, via Unsplash, license. |
Environmentalism as a religion-like phenomenon came up in a recent installment of Alex Epstein's Power Hour, in which he interviewed "Armchair Economist" Steven Landsburg on why he "is not an environmentalist."
The podcast title comes from that of an essay Landsburg included as a chapter in his book, The Armchair Economist: Economics and Everyday Life. And the title of Landsburg's essay pointedly echoes that of Bertrand Russell's famous lecture against Christianity.
I recommend reading the chapter in full: "Why I Am Not an Environmentalist" can be found as a PDF file here.
Within is a letter Landsburg wrote to his daughter's preschool teacher after the following event:
At the graduation ceremony, titled Friends of the Earth, I was lectured by four- and five- year-olds on the importance of safe energy sources, mass transportation, and recycling. The recurring mantra was "With privilege comes responsibility" as in "With the privilege of living on this planet comes the responsibility to care for it." Of course, Thomas Jefferson thought that life on this planet was more an inalienable right than a privilege, but then he had never been to preschool.The letter is hinsightful and amusing, and what I like best about it is how Landsburg, who is Jewish, likely better sees the more of the religious nature of environmentalist teaching than many, because it was so similar to his experiences raising his daughter within our majority Christian society:
I contrast this with your reaction when I confronted you at the preschool graduation. You wanted to know my specific disagreements with what you had taught my child to say. I reject your right to ask that question. The entire program of environmentalism is as foreign to us as the doctrine of Christianity. I was not about to engage in detailed theological debate with Cayley's Colorado teachers and they would not have had the audacity to ask me to. I simply asked them to lay off the subject completely, they recognized the legitimacy of the request, and the subject was closed.Tellingly, Landsburg never got a reply, much less an apology.
I view the current situation as far more serious than what we encountered in Colorado for several reasons. First, in Colorado we were dealing with a few isolated remarks here and there, whereas at the JCC we have been dealing with a systematic attempt to inculcate a doctrine and to quite literally put words in children's mouths. Second, I do not sense on your part any acknowledgment that there may be people in the world who do not share your views. Third, I am frankly a lot more worried about my daughter's becoming an environmentalist than about her becoming a Christian. Fourth, we face no current threat of having Christianity imposed on us by petty tyrants; the same can not be said of environmentalism. My county government never tried to send me a New Testament, but it did send me a recycling bin. [bold added]
I, for one, am grateful Landsburg published his letter. I am not an environmentalist, either. I do not recycle and have made it clear to my children that we don't and why. And I still get questions about it from time to time, even when I don't see it come up -- as it often does -- in their schoolwork.
I will keep in mind Landsberg's experience as a parent surrounded by adherents to an alien doctrine, who variously assume agreement or proselytize: It will come in handy.
-- CAV
P.S.: I was going to say "environmental issues," but I have noticed in causal conversation how quickly that balloons into ethical issues. And that makes sense when you think about it: If someone is going to command you to wash out -- and store like gold -- plastic bottles that belong in a landfill, what detail of your life is going to remain untouched once you concede that there are environmental issues? There are bona fide ecological issues, but environmentalism is an ideological movement distinct from the science of ecology. It is important to keep the difference straight from the usual political issues all the way down through ethics and to the most fundamental branches of philosophy.
People have learned rather quickly not to try this with me. I'm the type of person who will gladly get into arguments about the nuances--I enjoy debate as a form of entertainment. I've also been involved in remediation (in my case, removing real problems, such as chemicals in groundwater that sent people to a hospital during an excavation), and have investigated a number of Environmentalist claims over the years. In almost every case I know more than the person in question, I have the references to back me up, and I'm willing to spend six hours discussing the issue.
That said, the sheer number of lies perpetuated by these people is insane, even groups that should know better. I remember sitting in a meeting with a bunch of scientists and engineers getting lectured on how we need to "Save the Trees!" by using less paper. One of our clients was a tree farm operating for a paper mill. Plastic recycling is another one--if you do any research at all you see that plastic recycling is a hoax, with most of it just going to landfills in countries with less strict rules on how to dispose of it. Yet people--educated, intelligent people, who have first-hand experience applicable to these issues--piously mutter along with the slogans, without question. It's insane.
When my kids come home spouting this nonsense I take it as a teachable moment. Their error is believing their teacher, which isn't much of an error when you're 6. I explain to them that trees are farmed, and can usually show them some. I explain that plastic bottles don't get recycled, whatever their teacher says, so sorting them doesn't make sense. My sons don't enjoy arguments as much as I do, so they haven't pushed back against their teachers in class yet. But at least I can mitigate the damage.
"I explain to them that trees are farmed..."
I did exactly this with my son the other day. The neat thing is, I had told him about this before, just because it was interesting, and it was more of an "I thought so," coming from him.
I told them the other day: "Earth Day is a religious holiday that we don't celebrate."
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