There Is Time to Speak up About Title IX

Monday, August 01, 2022

Via Fox News, it would seem that anti-abortionist conservatives are hardly the only ones interested in violating the individual rights of women:

Image by Sigmund, via Unsplash, license.
The Department of Education claims that Title IX's prohibition on sex discrimination includes discrimination on the basis of gender identity. The proposed rule claims to respect existing law that allows colleges to maintain sex-segregated housing facilities, but there's a catch: The proposed rule redefines "sex" to include gender identity. If the word "sex" is robbed of its meaning, so is the word "sex-segregated." In short, colleges could have nominally male and female dorms, but the definition of male and female would be identity-based [sic], not biology-based.


It would be hard to conceive of a more efficient way to make college women less safe than by potentially forcing some of them to sleep just a few feet away from biological men, behind closed doors, without their knowledge or consent... [bold added]
Those of us who support individual rights consistently might need time to recover from the cognitive whiplash of seeing a conservative (and presumably anti-abortion) news outlet warning us of developments that could ruin the lives of family or loved ones.

But we will consider any possible news that somehow manages to dribble out from either of America's theocratic or "progressive" cloud cuckoo media lands. If this outlet's interpretation of the proposed change to housing assignments is accurate, such a change must be stopped.

The article mentions that the time for public comment on the proposed regulatory changes lasts until mid-September and lists a couple of organizations trying to solicit such comments. I do not know enough about either group to comment, but it is not necessary to use either of them specifically to comment on proposed changes to federal regulations. That can be done directly.

-- CAV

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