RFK Jr.: Food Czar?!?!

Monday, August 26, 2024

Third-Party anti-vaccination, anti-"chemical" environmentalist kook, RFK, Jr., has "suspended" his campaign and endorsed Donald Trump, possibly in exchange for being made an advisor on chronic disease.

If the reaction of Matt Gaetz, one of Trump's scummiest and mindless acolytes, is any indication, a Trump victory stands to make his prior appointment of Mehmut Oz to the President's Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition look like a valiant stand for science by comparison: As big a quack as Dr. Oz is, at least he has medical training.

Gaetz cynically ... cluelessly? ... robotically? states:

There is poison in the food.

America First means keeping Americans healthy and alive.

We must clean up the American food supply.
How on earth can the worthy goal of helping Americans be healthier be attained on faulty guidance from someone given to assertions that are "not even wrong?"

The contempt for actual knowledge on display here is staggering, and it is ominous how quickly a cause such as Kennedy's -- which conservatives justifiably ridiculed only a generation ago (along with being against vaccination) -- seems on the way to becoming dogma today.

One might protest that, to Donald Trump, the "truth" is whatever will get him elected, and that may be the case. Perhaps he tosses Kennedy under the bus later, but it speaks volumes that he sees merit in proposing to give him such a platform at all.

It will be interesting to see if your average conservative starts parroting nonsense about "poison in the food" in the same way so many became paranoid about vaccines seemingly overnight.

Donald Trump is too incompetent to become a dictator himself, but the way he is running his campaign appeals precisely to the kind of voter that is ready for one.

I hold out hope that many or most Trump fans will laugh this off as him trying to get votes from Kennedy's base, but I'm not so sure we aren't about to hear lots of them parroting dietary talking points that once marked someone as an environmentalist nut.

-- CAV

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