Epstein on 'The Cost of the Biden-Harris Energy Crisis'

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

The transcript of energy advocate Alex Epstein's recent testimony before Congress is available at his Substack, and is well worth reading.

The testimony itself is about three minutes long, but if you also read the Q&A, you'll need more like half an hour. Fortunately, Epstein embeds the video. While this is a slightly longer listen, you might find it easier to squeeze in: I plan to finish the Q&A this way the next time I run errands.

This is the entire hearing, set to start when Epstein appears.

The word economy is impressive and hard-hitting:
The basic idea of government-dictated green energy is that the government should force us to rapidly reduce our use of fossil fuel energy and replace it with so-called "green energy," mostly solar and wind, such that we reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the latest.

There are three basic truths you need to know about the costs of government-dictated green energy. And I think these are really under-appreciated even by critics.

One is they have been enormous so far.

Two is they would have been catastrophic had it not been for the resistance of their opponents. This is very important when you hear the Biden administration has record production. That's in spite of them, not because of them.

And three, they will be apocalyptic if not stopped in the future.
Who -- friend or foe of "net zero" -- is going to read or hear this and not want more?

The way I first heard about this testimony -- through a headline of a news aggregator I use -- attests to Epstein's effectiveness and offers hope that the United States might back away from the precipice that the "Inflation Reduction Act" has pushed us towards.

Thanks and congratulations to Alex Epstein are in order. Please consider returning the favor he is doing all of us by further spreading the word.

-- CAV

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