Blogger Sucks: Part the Sixteenth

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

To add a new link tonight, I had to edit my template. Blogger choked saving it the first time, so I pushed "save template" a second time. Evidently, my cursor swept over the template before I saved it. Blogger republished my blog in a form that could not even load. I have a partial backup template loaded now and am looking back at an old email to fix the problem with that version of the template.

I will update when ready to have people re-check my blog's appearance on various browsers and platforms.

And then I'll figure out why I get the blogger start page rather than my blog when I type in its URL. This doesn't happen in Konqueror, but it does in Mozilla. Clearing cookies didn't help, either....

Update: Luckily, I make regular backups of individual blog entries and realized that I could get the "style" part of my template from these. (Yes, I save the whole bloody thing.) Things should be back to normal, but let me know if the blog behaves oddly in any respect.

Update II: I finally thought of clearing the cache. Now I can load my own blog into my own browser again. Glory be!

Update III (4-21-05): I reported the problem to Blogger when I had trouble loading Charlotte Capitalist and a reader informed me that he had a similar problem with another Blogger blog. This problem has been fixed. However, if you've had the problem, you may still need to clear the cache and the cookies in your browser before the problem will go away.

I appreciate the responsiveness of Blogger's support team on this.

-- CAV


Curtis Gale Weeks said...

I'm not sure if your problem viewing your own site is a caching problem...I just tried to view another site on Blogger by using my blogroll, a route I've taken many times, and the Blogger dashboard appeared instead of that blogger's home page!!

Incidentally, I've noticed that Blogger's extreme "openness" to new users has led to the existence of many "fake blogs" for advertising and old blogs' perpetual existence, and I wonder if the drain on their servers caused by these faux blogs causes these other problems.

You'd probably be much happier somewhere else.

Gus Van Horn said...

This one has me thinking seriously about it, but -- and you're going to laugh at me for saying this -- it sounds like a huge chunk of time to switch over!

I'm pretty busy and barely have time to write as it is. My schedule combines the worst elements of rigidity and unpredictability. The long-term benefits of switching are indisputable, but the short-term costs might prevent me from doing this for awhile.

At least for the immediate future, I'm probably going to just bite the bullet here in Mordor.

-- Gus