Blogroll Roundup

Thursday, June 23, 2005

I've thought of doing this a few times in the past, but always ended up running into time constraints. And, as always, when push comes to shove, writing takes priority. Today, I find myself with an unexpected bit of time. I've already written an entry for today. I may yet do another. The point is, I'm free to goof off a bit.

But since I have the time to do this and the blogging in my own neighborhood has been interesting today, I'm going to do a blogroll roundup for today as of about 5:30 p.m. my time. To keep it simple, I'm restricting myself to entries written (in English) today and to bloggers who reciprocal link.

Benjo Blog

The General announces that (1) the third issue of The Undercurrent is available for sneak previews, (2) the deadline for ordering copies has been extended, and (3) there is an RSS feed for the blog over there.

a geezer's corner

Bothenook points out a hilarious video he learned about courtesy of The Noonz Wire. Follow the links and find out why the geezer may be in the market for Depends.


In the funky department, Chap points out a site with Scopitone videos: "[W]hat interesting vids. Pop silliness with a Euro filter applied."

Charlotte Capitalist

Andy Clarkson makes a really good point about government-supplied internet access: Namely: It's what they have in China!

If you are a liberal, think of a conservative-controlled city government which owns your only wireless network. If you are a conservative, think of a liberal-controlled city government which owns your only wireless network. A little creepy.

Martin Lindeskog blogs about Gary Metz's ( open letter to the international media in Iran.

Mover Mike

Mike discusses the Kelo vs. New London decision.

Noodle Food

Diana Hsieh passes on an anecdote about Ted Turner from John Podhoretz and asks why so many of our major businessmen are such fruitcakes.

Phatic Communion

Curtis Weeks aces an IQ test I've seen floating around the blogosphere. He beat me by five points. In my defense, I knew exactly which "General Intelligence" question I missed when I was forced to guess on the last question.

Riding Sun

The Gaijin Biker gets an Instalanche for his post on reporters who use, but do not trust, blogs. Take a look at an interesting entry, and see how it's done!

Secular Foxhole

Blair points out an interesting blog, The Devil's Excrement, by a Venezuelan dissident. He also notes where to find previews of beautiful Venezuelan women we all hope will one day demonstrate against the tyranny of El Loco.

Unconsidered Trifles

Willy Shake discovers James Lileks by way of a must-read, hilarious column about Gitmo.

Yours Truly

Well, that's a wrap! Lots of good stuff in the neighborhood. In the "promote your alliances meets shameless self-promotion" department, I'll note that I posted the latest entries in both group blogs I participate in. Over at Ultraquiet No More, I talk about Submarine Life Down Under. At The Egosphere, I bemoan today's horrendous Supreme Court decision.

-- CAV

1 comment:

Alex Nunez said...

Thanks for the link, Gus!