Warrants for CIA Agents Issued by NATO "Ally"

Friday, June 24, 2005

With the dream of Europe united under the boot of a crushing bureaucracy shattered, what is the government of a nation-state in decline to do?

Show those immigrants that Europe doesn't need an Islamic majority to vote itself into dhimmitude, thank you very much. That's what!

Italy, not a country to rest on its laurels after indicting an author for "vilifying" Islam, has now issued arrest warrants for 13 CIA agents for helping deport an imam to Egypt!

An Italian judge has ordered the arrest of 13 CIA agents for allegedly helping deport an imam to Egypt as part of U.S. anti-terrorism efforts, an Italian official familiar with the investigation said Friday.

The agents are suspected [my italics, as if this is a crime -- ed] in the seizure of an Egyptian-born imam identified as Abu Omar on the streets of Milan in February 2003, according to the official, who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information.

The U.S. Embassy in Rome declined to comment.

Prosecutors believe the agents seized Omar as part of the CIA's "extraordinary rendition" program, in which terror suspects are transferred to third countries without court approval, according to reports Friday in newspapers Corriere della Sera and Il Giorno.

Investigators traced the agents through check-in details at Milan hotels and their use of Italian cell phones during the operation, the reports said. All the agents are American and include three women, Il Giorno said.

The reports said another six agents were being investigated for helping prepare the operation.
Gee. Thanks, Italy! As Oriana Fallaci puts it (HT: Bothenook, link at "author" above):
Europe is no longer Europe, it is 'Eurabia,' a colony of Islam, where the Islamic invasion does not proceed only in a physical sense, but also in a mental and cultural sense. Servility to the invaders has poisoned democracy, with obvious consequences for the freedom of thought, and for the concept itself of liberty.
And David Holcberg's words (HT: Martin Lindeskog, link at "indicting" above) on the Fallaci indictment bear repeating here.
The decision of an Italian judge to indict author and New York resident Oriana Fallaci for being "offensive to Islam and to those who practice that religious faith" is a violation of her right to free speech and an absurd concession to Islamists at war with Western Civilization.

Fallaci, as any individual, should have the right to criticize any religion or ideology, free from government censorship or retaliation. If Muslims (or Italian judges) don't like Fallaci's books, they are free to not buy them. They have no right, however, to punish or silence her.

Freedom of speech does not exist in a vacuum. It must be defended. Even if Italy had correctly refused to indict Oriana Fallaci, this latest action would have undercut individual rights there by indicating a lack of will to fight for those rights. But when a society (like Italy, by all appearances) no longer regards freedom as an ideal, is it really surprising that it will begin to thwart efforts to defend freedom?

Via the General comes the following Fallaci quote that sums up nicely what Europe is failing to confront, and the proper attitude civilized men must take towards Islam.
"We can talk for centuries about the word 'racist,'" she said. "'Racist' has to do with race and not with religion. Yes, I am against that religion, a religion that controls the life of people in every minute of their day, that puts the burqa on women, that treats women as camels, that preaches polygamy, that cuts the hands of the poor thieves …. I am not religious -- all religions are difficult to accept for me -- but the Islamic one is not even a religion, in my opinion. It is a tyranny, a dictatorship -- the only religion on earth that has never committed a work of self-criticism …. It is immovable. It becomes worse and worse …. It is 1,400 years and these people never review themselves, and now they want to come impose it on me, on us?"
Once again, multiculturalism paves the way for dhimmitude.

-- CAV


Today: (1) Added another quote by Oriana Fallaci. (2) Corrected initial capital of word "imam." Holy dhimmitude, batman!

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