Column: Yes AOC, It's Creepy ...

Tuesday, March 05, 2019

... When People Don't Mind Their Own Business

One of many things in the Green New Deal that is not a proper concern of government. (Image by RitaE, via Pixabay, license.)
"Hi! I'm a person! This is weird!" Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told a stranger who snuck up and took a photo of her meal. As a politician, she could even have said, in fine American tradition, Mind your own business. We own our own lives here in America: If it doesn't involve picking pockets or breaking legs, what someone does is nobody else's business. But back to weird. It is weird that conservatives view her companion's hamburger as a smoking gun -- yet miss the deep irony of the self-proclaimed "owner" of the Green New Deal telling anyone to mind their own business.

The irony begins with AOC speaking of the photographer "creepily (and obviously) taking a picture of me while pretending he wasn't." This reminds me of practically everything she has said about the Green New Deal. Whether or not the draft containing jokes about farting cows was released intentionally, AOC wants to make Americans eat less meat...

To continue reading my latest column, please proceed to RealClear Markets.

I would like to thank my wife and Steve D. for their comments on an earlier version of this piece.

-- CAV


Dinwar said...

I was going to comment on this the other day, but something that strikes me about Democrats is their inability to see how other people use their tactics. This ranges from politics down to these sorts of bizarre social interactions. On the grand scale, they cannot comprehend how Republicans can use the tactics they themselves use (see recent objections from the Right to Trump's use of executive orders). On a smaller scale, they are perfectly fine berating you about any little aspect of your life that doesn't conform to today's norms--but if you try to object to some action they are taking, you're "literally Hitler".

I think this all stems from the fact that the far-Left believes it is right. It has the Truth. Ergo, any deviation is by definition wrong--and since politics is a branch of ethics, that makes it by definition evil. Free speech and rational debate are only values in a field where there are questions left to be answered; once you know everything, they cease to be useful. That they can't see the flaws in this is another issue.

Gus Van Horn said...


I think they DO see how others use their tactics, but since they do these things "for a good cause," it's a-okay. With them, good (by their lights) intentions are all that matter.
