Four From the Someday/Maybe List

Friday, May 31, 2024

A Friday Hodgepodge

It's time to leverage an overdue review of a list to make a blog entry. This week, I go through a few bookmarks on my someday/maybe list.

1. Not too long ago, I mentioned the versatility of Framework laptops and volunteered that when it comes time to replace my desktop, I will likely use Framework parts and 3-D printed open source components to create my own.

As it turns out, someone did exactly that and wrote it up at Ars Technica.

2. Here's a short-term/easy and long-term/difficult someday/maybe rolled into one: This article about crossing the country by rail looked interesting enough to read later, but I encountered it through Hacker News, where the discussion includes a few interesting ideas on doing this yourself. Among them:
You can also find destinations that would otherwise be moderately difficult to reach - for example the Empire Builder stops at East Glacier in Montana from spring to fall - extremely small town with wonderful hiking, etc.


You can also have a quite interesting "explore America" trip in [the U.S. and Canada] with some planning (a travel agent can actually help here if they're knowledgeable) - as you can break the trip up into "daytime travel", stay in a city like Chicago for a few days, and then "overnight" to the next city.
The same commenter posts a link to the video I embedded below -- although country music isn't usually my cup of tea -- about a Canadian rail route.

3. One glorious day, I shall finally tame my camera's backlog of photographs, and I will do it with open-source software. Fidel Ramos has some interesting suggestions for various steps of the process.

One that I am already familiar with is Syncthing, which I use for moving images and documents from one device to another, and highly recommend.

4. Regulars may have noticed that I sometimes use the same word twice or more in too short a span, a common writing mistake. (I often notice, too, but usually only upon revisiting something hours or days after posting it.)

It turns out that there is an Emacs package that helps find and eliminate instances of this distracting nuisance. On a quick glance, it looks easy enough to incorporate into my existing configuration.

It may happen today, though, as I am in a hurry this morning and won't be using the package now.

Good bye!

-- CAV

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